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EU4Health Programme is an ambitious and dedicated funding programme for 2021-2027 to ensure a high level of human health protection in all Union. EU4Health is the largest EU health programme ever in monetary terms and will provide funding to EU countries, health organisations and NGOs. EU4Health programme will be implemented in the form of grants, prizes and procurement.

Who can participate: Any legal entity established in a Member State or an overseas country  and legal entities established in a third country associated with the Programme. 

The main objectives of the EU4Health Programme?

  • improving and fostering health in the Union to reduce the burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases, by supporting health promotion and disease prevention, by reducing health inequalities, by fostering healthy lifestyles and by promoting access to healthcare;
  • protecting people in the Union from serious cross-border threats to health and strengthening the responsiveness of health systems and coordination among the Member States in order to cope with serious cross-border threats to health;
  • improving the availability, accessibility and affordability of medicinal products and medical devices, and crisis-relevant products in the Union, and supporting innovation regarding such products;
  • strengthening health systems by improving their resilience and resource efficiency, in particular through: (i) supporting integrated and coordinated work between Member States; (ii) promoting the implementation of best practices and promoting data sharing; (iii) reinforcing the healthcare workforce; (iv) tackling the implications of demographic challenges; and (v) advancing digital transformation.

The E4Health will further support  successful initiatives like the European Reference Networks for rare diseases and continue to pursue international cooperation on global health threats and challenges.

For more information please refer to programme website.

The first EU4Health calls for proposals to beat cancer and boost crisis preparedness are now closed, except one call:   

The second wave of EU4Health 2021 work programme calls for action grants:

The second wave of action grants are opened from submission from 14th of October 2021 with submission deadline on 25th of January 2022.

The 2021 EU4Health work programme focuses on crisis preparedness, disease prevention, stronger health systems and healthcare workforce and digital, with cancer as a cross-cutting priority.

The EU4Health programme will provide funding to eligible legal entities from the Member States, third countries associated to it or third countries listed in the annual work programme, or an international organisation such as health organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the private sector and other eligible legal entities. The funding will be provided in the form of grants.

Grants shall not exceed 60% of eligible costs with 7% funding rates for overheads.  In cases of exceptional utility, the contribution by the Union may be up to 80% of eligible costs.

All calls will be submitted via EC Funding and Tenders Portal.

Please find below details of the second wave of action grants:

Action grants to organise and collect data to understand the safety, quality and efficacy of therapies applied in the field of assisted reproduction and based on haematopoietic stem cells

Action grants for developing a pilot project for an EU infrastructure ecosystem for the secondary use of health data for research, policymaking and regulatory purposes

Action grants to support implementation of best practices on the ground with direct impact on the effort to tackle mental health challenges during COVID-19

Action grants to support the implementation of best practices in community-based services for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), tuberculosis, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections

Action grants supporting training activities, implementation, and best practices (AMR)

Action grants to support actions to improve access to human papillomavirus vaccination
Cancer task force

Action grants for the initiative ‘HealthyLifestyle4All’: promotion of healthy lifestyles

Action grants to reduce liver and gastric cancers caused by infections

Action grants for ‘EU Cancer Treatment Capacity and Capability Mapping’ project - Network of Comprehensive Cancer Centres

Action grants to create a ‘Cancer Survivor Smart Card’

Action grants for ‘Cancer Diagnostic and Treatment for All’ including ‘Genomic for Public Health’

Action grants for the Computer-aided Drug Repurposing for Cancer Therapy Project
Cancer task force

Action grants boosting cancer prevention through the use of the European Code against Cancer and other concerted actions

For more information please refer to the presentations from the Information Session on second wave of calls for action grants.

- Webinar recording available under this link:

- Password: hKmRGNJ6

*Registration to the EU Health Policy Platform is required to access the Agora library. Create your EU login and complete the registration form Once your request for access has been approved, you will be able to access the presentations in the Agora library and through the link above.