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Apply to host an EYES Annual meeting

The call for Bids/Applications to host the 13th EYES Annual Meeting 2026 are now open!

The ESE Young Endocrinologists and Scientists (EYES) Committee invites the early careers groups of national societies involved in ECAS (ESE Council of Affiliated Societies) to submit expressions of interest to host the EYES Annual Meeting in the next respective year.

The EYES Annual Meeting (‘the EYES Meeting') is an ESE meeting which is organised by the EYES Committee. The EYES Annual meeting is managed by the selected host National Society’s early career group who form a Local Organising Committee (LOC).  The National Society takes responsibility for the overall delivery, management and financial support of the course, via the LOC.

The information below sets out the meeting structure and requirements from ESE and the EYES Committee for 2026.

The EYES Annual Meeting combines the latest cutting-edge basic, clinical, translational and pre-clinical research, encouraging scientific networking and opportunities for collaboration in a unique and friendly environment.


EYES Annual Meeting Bid information


December 2024:          Call for bids to host the EYES Annual Meeting launched
4 April 2025:                  Deadline for bids to be received by EYES Committee
April/May 2025:            Evaluation and selection
May 2025:                        Announce host location for 2026 at ECE 2025, during the EYES Session

Please read the information in this document carefully as it outlines all that you will need to consider when you prepare and submit the Bid for the EYES Annual Meeting: 

Host Selection Criteria & Process For 13th EYES Annual Meeting 2026

You will also need to complete the overview form below.

Overview form

Please submit your bid/application as follows:

i.   In one file and executed in the following order and manner:
ii.   All pages of the application documents must be numbered;
iii.  The application documents must be clearly and concisely written and certified with the signature of the Local Host and a member of the governing board of their National Society.

The application must include:

i.   Written letter of support from the National Society.
ii.   Overview of the local organising committee from the Local Host.
iii.  Details of any third‐party suppliers or agencies who will support the organisation.
iv.  A draft preliminary programme, taking in consideration the pre‐specified timetable including the social programme.
v.   Completed ‘EYES Annual Meeting Overview form’ detailing the proposed venue including room capacities and technical capabilities and costs (and a website link), accommodation, social events and transport.
vi.  A draft budget.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss any aspects of this please contact Vicki Di Guisto in the ESE Office via email.

The first 'official' ESE Young Endocrinologists and Scientists (EYES) Annual Meeting was held in 2013. We have had a fantastic gathering of our early careers members annual ever since - apart from in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic meant we couldn't meet in person. 

2013  Rotterdam, The Netherlands

2014  Belgrade, Serbia

2015  Moderna, Italy

2016  Moscow, Russia

2017  Porto, Portugal

2018  Poznań, Poland

2019  Athens, Greece

2020  No Meeting

2021  Birmingham, UK (online virtual)

2022  Zagreb, Croatia

2023  Würzburg, Germany 

2024  Helsinki, Finland

2025  Milan, Italy

2026  OPEN CALL in December 2024 


Read Abstracts from Previous EYES Meetings

Endocrine Abstracts is ESE's journal of searchable abstracts from all presentations at key conferences in endocrinology. It is a permanent, citable record, freely available to all without access restrictions. Browse abstracts from recent EYES Meetings here.