Transatlantic Alliance Award
The Transatlantic Alliance Award is presented to a recognised international leader who has made significant advancements in endocrinology research through work and collaboration in both the US and Europe. It is open to researchers across the basic and clinical spectra.
The Award consists of a medal and a financial reward which will normally either be presented at the European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE) or the Endocrine Society annual meeting (ENDO), where the awardee will present one of the main lectures. The Award lecture at the respective meeting will take place on alternate years. However, both Societies may invite the winner to speak at its annual meeting.
2024 Winner
The European Society of Endocrinology and the Endocrine Society are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2024 Transatlantic Alliance Award is:
Professor Felix Beuschlein, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine/Endocrinology and Director of the Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetology and Clinical Nutrition at the University Clinic Zurich, Switzerland
Felix Beuschlein received his award at ECE 2024 where he gave a plenary lecture ‘Primary aldosteronism – solutions, insights and challenges'. He also gave a presentation at ENDO 2024.
Nominations for the 2025 award are now closed.
The winner will be announced later in the year. The 2025 Award will be presented at the Endocrine Society Congress, Endo 2025 in San Francisco July 12-15, 2025
Nominations can be made by individuals or any scientific organisation or administrative group. Self-nominations will be allowed if supported by two members of either ESE or ES. Nominees should be a member of at least one of the Societies.
For ESE: Members of the ESE Executive Committee and the ECE Programme Organising Committee are not eligible for one year after their term of office ends. ESE Committee Chairs and Focus Area Leads are not eligible whilst in office.
For ES: Members of the ES Executive Committee and Annual Meeting Steering Committee are not eligible for this award for one year after their term of office ends. ES committee chairs are not eligible whilst in office.
Nominations should include:
- Nomination form
- Nomination covering letter, including the merits of the nominee and the reasoning for the nomination (no longer than two pages)
- CV and Bibliography - list the most relevant research/publications of the nominee (up to 10 publications within the last 10 years)
- Letters of support can also be included (1 to 3 maximum)
- Tentative title of the plenary lecture
The jury is composed of the current President, President-Elect, and immediate Past-President of both Societies. The jury may invite one more persons on an ad-hoc basis to ensure coverage of clinical and basic science. The jury will ensure parity between European and US nominations.
The co-Chairs of the jury will be the current President of both Societies.