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European Endocrine Nurse Award

The European Endocrine Nurse Award recognises excellence in endocrinology nursing practice, nursing research, nursing leadership, nurse training and patient engagement. It is open to all Endocrine Nurses and teams who have made a truly significant contribution to the advancement of endocrinology nursing through innovative and creative approach to patient care and engagement, service delivery, leadership, research and training.

The winner receives a monetary award as well as complimentary registration, accommodation and travel expenses to attend the European Congress of Endocrinology 2026. The recipient will be presented with the award at the Congress and will give a lecture at the Nurses’ session

2025 Winner

The 2025 European Endocrine Nurse Award winner is Eugenia Vlachou. The 2025 Awards will be presented at the Joint Congress of ESPE and ESE 2025 ‘Connecting Endocrinology Across the Life Course’ in Copenhagen, Denmark. You will be able to watch her presentation at Joint Congress of ESPE and ESE 2025.

Nominations for the 2026 Award are now open

The 2026 Awards will be presented at ECE 2026 in Prague, Czech Republic.


Self nominations are invited, or nominations can be submitted by teams, colleagues, patients or patient support groups. Nominations should be from at least one of the categories listed below.

To be nominated for this award, the nominee should be a member of ESE for at least one year. For a nursing team nomination, at least one member of the team should be a member of ESE for at least one year.

Multiple nominations for the same person for the same award will not be accepted. If multiple nominations for the same nominee are received, the nominators will be contacted so that they have the opportunity to combine into one nomination submission. Letters of nominations can be co-signed by multiple supporters. 

1. Endocrine Nursing Practice

Nominations could be for any Endocrine nurses or teams who have developed a creative and innovative approach or process that significantly impacted on patient care in a positive way such as: setting up a new nurse-led service that improves patient care and service delivery; introducing a new and evidence-based approach to the management of patients with Endocrine conditions or extending the boundaries and optimising Endocrinology nursing practice through pioneering advanced practice. Entrants should be able to demonstrate outcomes that have benefited patients and their experience of care, their own personal practice and their colleagues and their organisation.

2. Endocrine Nursing Research

Nominations could be for any Endocrine nurses who demonstrated commitment to advancing Endocrinology nursing practice through research. Nominees should demonstrate a truly independent practice in nursing research which made a pioneering and significant contribution in improving patient care, service delivery, nurse and patient education and advancing nursing practice. Entrants should be able to demonstrate outcomes that have benefited patients and their experience of care, their own personal practice and their colleagues and their organisation.

 3. Endocrine Nursing Leadership

Nominations could be for any Endocrine nurses who have shown exceptional leadership (locally, nationally and internationally) in: innovative service delivery; effective team management; sharing best practice; promoting and raising the profile of Endocrinology nursing; supporting the advancement of Endocrine nursing practice, and influencing policies that affect Endocrine nurses and patients with Endocrine disorders. Entrants should be able to demonstrate outcomes that have benefited patients and their experience of care, their own personal practice and their colleagues, their organisation and the nursing community locally, nationally and internationally.

4. Endocrine Nursing Education and Training

Nominations could be for any Endocrine nurses who have made significant and pioneering contributions in improving education and training of Endocrine nurses or patients and their carers. This could range from developing a formal training curriculum, competency frameworks, supervision and mentoring programmes, publishing education and training resources aimed at improving and advancing Endocrinology nursing practice.

5. Patient and Public Engagement

Nominations could be for any Endocrine nurses or teams who have developed an innovative approach in actively promoting patient involvement and engagement in service delivery, service evaluation and re-design. This could also include nurses or teams who have who introduced an effective system in ensuring that patients, families and communities are able to access clinical research opportunities in Endocrinology.

Nominations must be submitted online by completing the nomination form and should include:

1. Title of the initiative/project (50 words)

2. The Project (max of 500 words)

  • Describe the key aims of the initiative/project.
  • Describe the reason behind the initiative/project.
  • Outline how the project was implemented including the challenges and how there were addressed.

3. The person (or the team) (max 500 words)

  • List the full name, job title and workplace of the nominee/team.
  • Explain clearly your/the nominee’s role in leading the set-up and implementation of the initiative/project.
  • Explain how you/the nominee demonstrated exceptional leadership and innovative approach to project/team management or service delivery/design/evaluation.

4. The Power (Impact) (200 words)

  • Describe how the initiative/project has improved patient care/experience/health outcomes/service delivery/team working/nurse education or training/ nursing knowledge or how it contributed to advancing Endocrine nursing practice.
  • Describe how the learnings from the initiative/project (or findings from research) has been disseminated or shared with others (or outline the plan for dissemination).
  • Describe how the initiative/project can be replicated by others.

5. Supporting information

  • Nominations should be accompanied by a supporting testimony (maximum of 500 words) from a senior colleague, patient or members of patient support groups/organisations confirming the initiative/project, its importance and benefits to patients/colleagues/service as well as the nominee’s own personal and professional development.
  • Other supporting information can be provided such as the project plan, evaluation, feedbacks, audits, etc.

Shortlisted nominations will be evaluated by a jury consisting of the chair of the ESE Nurse Committee, 2 senior members of the ESE Nurse Committee, a member of the ESE Awards Committee and a member of the ESE Officers.

Each shortlisted nomination will be judged based on three criteria (Person [nominee], Project [innovation] and Power [impact]). The Award winner would need to be endorsed by the ESE Nurse Committee.

Please contact the ESE Office for further information. 

Submit your abstract for the 2025 Joint Congress >>