In May 2021, ESE published our first policy white paper titled “Hormones in European Health Policies: How endocrinologists can contribute towards a healthier Europe.” Find out more about this keystone paper, including the background research and policy asks.
This historical document, first of its kind in Europe, received endorsement from 45 National Endocrine Societies and seven ESE associated Specialist Societies representing the vast majority of the more than 20,000 Endocrinologists across Europe. We hope that you share our vision that it is a milestone in the life of ESE and a tremendous step toward the path of inclusion which we started two years ago and now brings our Society to be key in the creation of a true Global Endocrine community and as a trustworthy and proactive partner of European Institutions.
ESE is grateful for the contributions of the affiliated national endocrine societies to our policy efforts, and to the ESE Corporate Members Ipsen, Pfizer, Recordati Rare Diseases and Takeda for providing unrestricted grant support to this webinar event.

White Papers , Environmental Endocrinology , Endocrine-related Cancer , Thyroid , Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology , Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology , Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition , Calcium and Bone , Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology , Clinicians , Early Careers , (Allied) Health Professionals , Nurses , Researchers , Patients , Public , European Women in Endocrinology ,