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The European Pituitary Pathology Group (EPPG) offers the opportunity for expert opinion to ESE Members


The European Pituitary Pathology Group (EPPG) has been established in 2017 with the intent to promote pituitary and sellar pathology, provide histopathologists, neuropathologists, endocrinologists, basic scientists and neurosurgeons interested in the field with a forum for discussion, offer collegial opinion for challenging diagnostic cases, support training, and foster scientific and professional collaborations across Europe.

Over the years, the EPPG focussed on the standardisation of pathology reports, the optimisation and validation of immunohistochemical and molecular techniques such as harmonised staining protocols for pituitary transcription factors, and the production of and contribution to diagnostic recommendations and guidelines to improve diagnostic accuracy and patients’ care (PMID: 31578606 and PMID: 38907774).

The Group meet twice a year in person and virtually. Meetings are structured in morning microscope sessions where participants present complex paediatric and adult lesions along with their clinical features and neuroimaging, and afternoon sessions providing updates on topics of interest, and discussion of scientific projects, protocols and recommendations. EPPG members come from nine countries (Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Russia, United Kingdom and United States of America) with applications from The Netherland and Spain currently being in progress. 

Contribution to training and education of junior histopathologists and neuropathologists is an EPPG priority including promotion of the ESE-sponsored Europit ( EPPG members are EuroPit faculties, and many members have attended Europit before joining the EPPG.

In 2024, ESE endorsed the EPPG as “Specialist Partner Society” strengthening the interaction between pituitary pathologist and endocrinologists. As an ESE partner group, the EPPG will raise awareness of pathology among ESE members, advise on the pathology of pituitary and sellar lesions, promote training activities including online access to teaching cases, contribute to ESE round tables and task forces related to the pathology of pituitary conditions.

Furthermore, ESE members are welcome to refer pathologically challenging cases to EPPG for collegial, specialist opinion or guidance on stains and molecular tests. For information please contact to the Executive Committee members, Chiara Villa (, Federico Roncaroli (, Marily Theodoropoulou  (

Dr Chiara VILLA
Département d’Anatomie Pathologique
Hôpital Lariboisière - APHP Université Paris Cité
2, rue Ambroise Paré, 5010 PARIS CEDEX 10
Tél : +33/149958330

Prof. Federico Roncaroli
Neuropathology Unit
Division of Neuroscience
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health
University of Manchester
Tel : +44/1612062329
Email :

Prof. Andrea Lania
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Humanitas University
Via Rita Levi Montalcini, Pieve Emanuele (Milan), Italy
Tel: +39/0282244668

Prof. Marily Theodoropoulou
Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik IV
Ziemssenstraße 1 Room: F 1.63-1.74
80336 München, Germany
Tel: +89/4400-52874