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ESE and the European Thyroid Association (ETA) join forces to address the incorrect usage of the term "iodine" by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

In a joint letter to the European Commission and ECHA, ESE and ETA have expressed their concern regarding ECHA opinion ECHA/BPC/357/2022 by their Biocidal Products Committee.

In the ECHA opinion, which was accepted by the European Commission, the authors referred to "iodine” instead of “PVP-iodine” which is likely to reinforce existing misunderstandings around the accurate usage of the term "iodine" and its biologically relevant chemical species. Moreover, it has resulted in the incorrect decision to label iodine as an endocrine disruptor contained in biocidal products.

ESE and ETA are worried that the ensuing confusion, caused by the opinion around the risk/benefits of "iodine" and “PVP-iodine”, endangers a century of successful salt iodization and other current and past public health measures aimed at tackling global iodine deficiency.

The European Commission has acknowledged receipt of the letter and has confirmed it will provide a response.