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Transatlantic Alliance Award

The Transatlantic Alliance Award is presented to a recognised international leader who has made significant advancements in endocrinology research through work and collaboration in both the US and Europe. It is open to researchers across the basic and clinical spectra.

The Award consists of a medal and a financial reward which will normally either be presented at the European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE) or the Endocrine Society annual meeting (ENDO), where the awardee will present one of the main lectures. The Award lecture at the respective meeting will take place on alternate years. However, both Societies may invite the winner to speak at its annual meeting.

2025 Winner

The European Society of Endocrinology and the Endocrine Society are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2025 Transatlantic Alliance Award is:

Professor Ashley Grossman, F.Med.Sci, Professor Grossman is emeritus professor of endocrinology at the University of Oxford and a senior research fellow at Green Templeton College in Oxford, U.K. He also is a consultant endocrinologist at the Royal Free London and a professor of neuroendocrinology at Queen Mary University of London in London, U.K.

The 2025 Award will be presented at the Endocrine Society Congress, ENDO 2025 in San Francisco July 12-15, 2025 

Nominations for the 2026 award will open on April 1 2025

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