Stay informed of the latest research and clinical developments relating to Thyroid. Here you will find updates on the work of our Thyroid clinical and basic leads, and expert panel, details of upcoming training and events, and links to recent news and publications.

The main function of the thyroid is to produce thyroid hormones, which are essential for the growth and function of almost all organs in the human body. The thyroid is therefore an essential endocrine gland.
Thyroid disease is among the most common of endocrine disorders, affecting millions of patients throughout Europe. As an example, autoimmune thyroid disease is the most frequently observed autoimmune diseases in women of reproductive age, while thyroid cancer is now the second most frequent cancer in women in the same age group (increasing in incidence an average of 4% per year during the last thirty years). Because of this, the study of the pathways of synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones, together with the mechanisms of thyroid hormone action, represent major topics of bio-medical research in Europe.
Important new insights into the pathogenesis of the various thyroid disorders, as well as significant changes in treatment guidelines based on findings from basic and clinical research have rapidly advanced the field in recent years leading to improved care for thyroid patients throughout the world. The study of the thyroid-implicated genes is expected to make major progress with the increased use of next generation sequencing techniques.
Through the ESE Focus Area on Thyroid, we aim to increase research collaboration and to work with other clinical specialties to improve the care of patients with thyroid conditions. Additionally, with the need for iodine for the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones, one of our goals is a common European policy to survey and ensure a sufficient amount of iodine in our diets.
Clinical Lead:Â Rossella Elisei, ItalyÂ
Basic Lead: Agnieszka Piekiełko-Witkowska, Poland
Expert Panel: Edward Visser (Netherlands), Nadia Schoenmakers (UK), Helene Filipsson Nyström (Sweden), Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen (Denmark), Cosimo Durante (Italy), Pierpaolo Trimboli (Switzerand), Philippe Caron (France)
To browse all upcoming dates, events and training, go to Key Dates
To see all published guidelines, journals, reports and statements, view all publications