Stay informed of the latest research and clinical developments relating to Calcium and Bone. Here you will find updates on the work of our Calcium and Bone clinical and basic leads, and expert panel, details of upcoming training and events, and links to recent news and publications.

We consider it an exciting time to lead the ESE Focus Area on Calcium and Bone. With studies on the underlying pathogenic mechanisms of classical bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, advancing rapidly, it has also become clear in recent years that the role of bone tissue goes far beyond the obvious functions of the skeleton. It is now evident that calcified tissue behaves as an endocrine organ that interacts with many other body systems.
This makes the study of calcium and bone of greater relevance to many endocrinologists. Through recent developments in bone research, many insights have been generated regarding the mechanisms underlying skeletal disease, paving the way for novel treatments that are currently under development both for rare and common diseases.
We hope to improve upon the great work already in place in this Focus Area, increasing communication and collaboration and working towards better medical outcomes for bone disorders.
Clinical Lead: Peter Kamenický, France
Basic Lead: Katharina Jähn-Rickert, Germany
Expert Panel: Athanasios Anastasilakis (Greece), Maria Luisa Brandi (Italy), Annegreet Vlug (Netherlands), Neil Gittoes (UK), Jean-Philippe Bertocchio (France), Elena Tsourdi (Germany), Petar Milovanovic (Serbia), Michaela Tencerová (Czech Republic)
To browse all upcoming dates, events and training, go to Key Dates
To see all published guidelines, journals, reports and statements, view all publications