EuroPit 2025
24 - 26 November 2025, Annecy, France
This event will gather young doctors in Endocrinology, Neurosurgery and Pathology from countries across Europe.
Application deadline: 28 April 2025 (23:59 CEST)

EuroPit is a unique course in Europe
It is a Multidisciplinary program, including Pathologists, Neurosurgeons and Endocrinologists from countries across Europe, that aims to provide a comprehensive perspective of pituitary disorders management.
Educate: Provide a foundation in the diagnosis and management of pituitary disorders for young doctors
Network: Create a sense of community around future doctors who will be managing pituitary disorders in Europe
Multidisciplinary programme: Students and expert Endocrinologists, Neurosurgeons and Pathologists spend three days together
Broad course on the management of pituitary disorders: Pathology, investigation, treatment options and the development of optimised care in the future
European Multidisciplinary Course Of Pituitary Tumours programme is independently organised by the EuroPit Scientific Committee (J Trouillas, M Buchfelder, M Korbonits, E Jouanneau, V Popovic, G Raverot and C Strasburger). The logistics are organised by the European Society of Endocrinology. EuroPit provides a foundation in the diagnosis and management of pituitary disorders for young doctors and creates a sense of community around future doctors who will be managing pituitary disorders in Europe.
Apply today
Please complete the form at the bottom of this page by Monday 28 April 2025.
Candidate profile: Endocrinologists, Neurosurgeons, Pathologists
Please note: if your application is successful you will be required to contribute an amount of €200 towards the cost of your stay.
Candidates should fulfill the following requirements:
Very good level of spoken English
Solid experience in pituitary field (at least 3-5 years of residency)
Published in the pituitary field (first author in international pituitary publications)
Having a strong intent to be further specialised in this topic
Willing to interact with colleagues after the course to disseminate their experience
All endocrinologists must be a member of ESE, if you are not already and your application is successful, we will invite you to become a member.
Successful applications will have complimentary food and accommodation (two nights at Les Pensieres) as well as access to the course. Applicants will need to book their own travel and should arrive in time for the start of the course (9am on Monday 18 November). Applicants will also be required to contribute €200 at the venue.
Please note: ESE does not permit attendance of sanctioned individuals or individuals from sanctioned institutions at any ESE events. Please click here to see ESE's Sanctions Policy.
Application process
Please complete the form below, and submit a cover letter, CV and your recent publication list. You may also wish to submit a supporting letter.
Application deadline: Monday 28 April 2025
All applications will be reviewed and selected by the Scientific Programme Committee.
Applicants will be informed in June 2025 if they are successful or not for EuroPit 2025.
The course will start at 10:00am CEST.
The "spirit of EUROPIT" and students' presentation
Jaqueline Trouillas, Marta Korbonits and Michael Buchefelder
MRI of the pituitary gland, focusing on PitNET
Nora Nylas (Hungary)
History and modern neurosurgery of PITNET
Michael Buchefelder (Germany)
Pathology and molecular biology of pituitary tumours
Classification of PITNE
Alexandre Vasiljevic (France)
European pathological practices or reports
Federico Roncaroli (UK)
Molecular characteristics of pituitary tumours
Marily Theodoropoulou (Germany)
Diagnosis and complications
Philippe Chanson (France)
Current and future medical treament
Christian Strasburger (Germany)
Albert Beckers (Belgium)
Thyrotroph tumour
Mark Gurnell (UK)
Lactotroph tumour
Maria Stelmachowska-Banas (Poland)
Genetic for clinicians with pituitary tumours focus
Marta Korbonits (UK)
Plus case reports
Cushing's disease
Diagnosis and prognostic factors of recurrence
Antoine Tabarin (France)
Medical treatment
John Newell-Price (UK)
Aggressive tumors and carcinoma
Chiara Villa (France)
Loic Feuvret (France)
Gérald Raverot (France)
Hypophysitis and immune check point inhibitors
Marie-Lise Jaffrain-Rea (Italy)
Pregnancy and pituitary tumours
Philippe Chanson (France)
Plus case reports
Gonadotroph tumour
Niki Karavitaki (UK)
Diagnosis and treatment of AVP deficiency
Mirjam Christ0Crain (Switzerland)
Pathology of craniopharyngioma
Federico Roncaroli (UK)
Management of Craniopharyngioma
Emmanuel Jouanneau (France)
How to write a manuscript and to prepare a talk
Christian Strasburger(Germany)
Discussion and paper projects
Christian Strasburger(Germany)
Case report ESE prize and Lüdecke's grant
Vera Popovic (Serbia)
Quiz and conclusion
Marta Korbonits (UK)
Departures from 14:00
Please click here to read EuroPit 2024 testimonial
A small number of meeting grants will be available for successful applicants from low-income countries.
Grant submission will be open for successful candidates only. This will open in June.
This course in kindly supported by Ipsen and Novo Nordisk.