ESE Talks… Rare Diseases – Genetic endocrine tumours with a focus on pancreatic NETs - A joint webinar with ESE, Endo-ERN and ESPE
Tuesday 5 November 2024
17:00-18:00 CET
This webinar has now passed. The recording of the webinar is now available to view below.

The webinar has now passed.
Tuesday 5 November 2024
17:00 - 18:00 CET
ESE Talks... Rare Diseases - Genetic Endocrine Tumours with a focus on Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours
Chair: Diego Ferone (Italy)
Novelties in the classification, diagnosis and therapy of pNET - clinical
Diego Ferone (Italy)
Nuclear Imaging in NETs, focusing on pNET
Valentina Ambrosini (Italy)
Future implications in all settings, diagnosis & therapy
Beata Kos Kudła (Poland)
A joint webinar with ESE, Endo-ERN and ESPE
Once you have registered for the course, you will be sent a confirmation email from Zoom, and access information approximately 1 week before.
Sessions will be carried out of Zoom, so please ensure that you are able to access Zoom on your University/institution computer.
The recording of the webinars will be available on the ESE website approximately 3 weeks after the webinar has taken place.
This webinar is kindly sponsored by Ipsen.
ESE Talks...Rare Diseases - Genetic endocrine tumours with a focus on pancreatic NETs - A joint webinar with ESE, Endo-ERN and ESPE
Watch the first presentation by Valentina Ambrosini (Italy)
ESE Talks...Rare Diseases - Genetic endocrine tumours with a focus on pancreatic NETs - A joint webinar with ESE, Endo-ERN and ESPE
Watch the second presentation by Beata Kos Kudła (Poland)