The 4th International Symposium on Advances in PCOS and Woman's Health, and the 6th Belgrade Masterclass in Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism will be held on 20–21 April 2024, in Belgrade, Serbia.
The 4th International Symposium on Advances in PCOS and Woman's Health will consist of sessions dedicated to polycystic ovary syndrome, treatment of infertility in women, transitions and new horizons in women’s health.
The 6th Belgrade Masterclass in Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism encloses sessions dedicated to menopause, postmenopausal osteoporosis, prediabetes, management of hypothyroidism and Graves’ disease, and there will also be a session to discuss complex clinical cases.
The programme of this ESE Endorsed event is attached below.
Further details can be found on the website.

Endorsed Events , Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition , Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology , Calcium and Bone , Environmental Endocrinology , Endocrine-related Cancer , Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology , Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology , Thyroid , Clinicians , Early Careers , (Allied) Health Professionals , Nurses , Researchers , Clinicians , Early Careers , (Allied) Health Professionals , Nurses ,