Welcome to the medical education resource pages of the PARAT programme, where you can access a variety of resources, free of charge.
You can explore the resources by the sub-topics of Primary Hyperparathyroidism, Hypoparathyroidism in Adults and Preconception, Pregnancy and lactation.

In each section are resources related to the three sub-sections within this educational programme. You will find videos, test questions, patient leaflets and concise summaries.
Content available
Faculty videos
View and listen to PARAT programme experts as they provide context and insight into the key questions and consensus recommendations through a series of concise videos and expert sub-topic lectures.
e-Medical Case Questions
Consider a multitude of clinical case presentations, before attempting our quizzes or interactive activity based on the latest consensus to learn more about parathyroid disorders at your own pace.
Enduring materials
View or download the latest key questions and consensus recommendation of the PARAT community adapted into PDF slides decks and figures to use in teaching or presentation.
Patient Education
Coming soon – adapted materials to reflect the latest consensus for use with your patients.
View or download all 3 parathyroid disorder articles published to date in the European Journal of Endocrinology along with summary reports and programmes from previous PARAT workshops
Learning Zone audiences
The PARAT programme has been designed to be of benefit to various clinical communities:
- International parathyroid disorder experts
- General endocrinologists
- All ESE Members
- Non-endocrine practitioners
- Patient groups