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ESE Rare-CaPaB phases and activities

The programme will be organised around 4 initial phases of activity. Each phase is designed to inform the outcome of the next phase of activity, some practical preparations for subsequent phases of work will happen in parallel. The four phases are:

Phase I – Scope and Prioritisation: led by the steering committee and expert panel members. The final scope of the programme aims, objectives, final outputs and the measures of success will be established.

Phase II – Discovery and Development: members of the steering committee supported by 10-20 community experts, will establish agreement over the priority objectives identified in phase I. The steering committee will organise the programme which will include presentations and discussion on the key topics and disorders.

Phase III – Synthesis and translation into Medical Education: findings from phase II will be collated by the steering committee into a final findings report, which will be sent for external review. These findings will be converted into a variety of medical education materials and activities to be disseminated to priority audiences.

Phase IV – Awareness, Communication and ESE integration: delivery of programme awareness and information communication campaigns on the programme conclusions to ESE members and wider stakeholders. Consideration by ESE Committees, to integrate the outcomes into regular ESE educational activities.