The Milano Declaration

What is the Milano Declaration?
“Recognising the key role of hormones in European health: the Milano Declaration” is a milestone for the European endocrine community and aims to further unite us in raising the voice of endocrinology at the national as well as the European level. The Declaration reiterates some of the key messages from ESE’s 2021 White Paper ‘Hormones in European Health Policies’ published in May 2021 (read it here) and has been drafted in close collaboration with the ESE Council of Affiliated Societies and other partner societies. The Declaration reminds the reader of some of the main challenges in the field of endocrinology and required health policy action to overcome them.
The Declaration encourages national and European decision-makers to better integrate endocrinology in European and national health policies, including in national and European research funding schemes.
The Declaration coincided with the first European Hormone Day on 23 May 2022, the day on which the European endocrine community was together in Milan on the occasion of the 24th European Congress of Endocrinology.
(A Turkish language version is available here)
To date, 35 national and specialist endocrine societies have endorsed the Milano Declaration, listed below.
Current Members of the European Parliament
- Vice President of the European Parliament Ewa Kopacz (European People’s Party, PL)
- MEP Maria Arena (Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, BE)
- MEP Sara Cerdas (Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, PT)
- MEP Martin Hojsík (Renew Europe Group, SK)
- MEP Jutta Paulus (Greens/European Free Alliance, DE)
- MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen (European People's Party, FI)
- MEP Stanislav Polčák (European People’s Party, CZ)
- MEP Manuela Ripa (Greens/European Free Alliance, DE)
- MEP Maria Spyraki (European People’s Party, GR)
Former Members of the European Parliament
- MEP Bartosz Arłukowicz (European People’s Party, PL)
- MEP Maria da Graça Carvalho, (European People's Party, PT)
- MEP Søren Gade (Renew Europe Group, DK)
- MEP Michèle Rivasi (Greens/European Free Alliance, FR)
- Albanian Society of Endocrinology
- Austrian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Belgian Endocrine Society
- Bosnia and Herzegovina Society of Endocrinology and Diabetology
- Bulgarian Society of Endocrinology
- Croatian Society for Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders
- Cyprus Endocrine Society
- Czech Endocrine Society
- Dutch Society of Endocrinology, Finnish Endocrine Society
- French Endocrine Society (SFE)
- Georgian Association for Endocrinology and Metabolism
- German Society for Endocrinology
- Hellenic Endocrine Society
- Hungarian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Icelandic Endocrine Society
- Israel Endocrine Society
- Italian Association Medical Endocrinology (AME)
- Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE)
- Latvian Association of Endocrinology
- Lithuanian Endocrine Association
- Macedonian Scientific Association of Endocrinologists and Diabetologists
- Norwegian Society of Endocrinology
- Polish Society of Endocrinology
- Polish Society of Gynecological Endocrinology
- Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
- Romanian Psychoneuroendocrine Society
- Romanian Society of Endocrinology
- Serbian Endocrine Society
- Slovak Endocrine Society
- Slovenian Endocrine Society
- Society for Endocrinology UK
- Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN)
- Swedish Endocrine Society
- Swiss Society of Endocrinology and Diabetology
- Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Turkey
- European Academy of Andrology
- European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors
- European NeuroEndocrine Association
- European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology
- European Thyroid Association
- Growth Hormone Research Society
- Endo ERN and ERN-BOND
- Addison Foreningen I Danmark
- Addison’s Disease Self Help Group UK and Ireland
- AdrenalNet
- Associazione Italiana Morbo di Addison AIPAd
- Cushing’s Support & Research Foundation
- Dutch Adrenal Society NVACP
- European MEN Alliance e.V.
- Hypoparathyroidisme France
- International Prader-Willi Syndrome Organization
- Nederlandse Hypofyse Stichting – Dutch Pituitary Foundation
- Netzwerk Hypophysen und Nebennierenerkrankungen e.V.
- Parathyroid UK
- Turner Syndrome Support Society
- Thyroid Federation International
- World Alliance of Pituitary Organizations
Annex to the Milano Declaration: 10 Recommendations for Good Hormone Health
For European Hormone Day 2023, ESE and the ESE Foundation published an annex to the Declaration, 10 Recommendations for Good Hormone Health. This complements the call for change to put hormones at the heart of health policy in Europe, with simple actions each of us can take to ensure better hormonal health. We encourage you to share this with your members, community and local and national health decision-makers.
The 10 Recommendations are available to download and share as infographics, videos, social media graphics in the European Hormone Day toolkit.
(And in 2025, we're going global! World Hormone Day takes place on 24 April 2025. We hope you'll join us in raising awareness of the importance of good hormone health. Find out how to take part.)