The European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) is incorporated as a company limited by guarantee, company registration number 5540866 and was registered with the Charity Commission on 7 April 2008, charity registration number 1123492.
ESE is governed by the Executive Committee, with day to day management of specific areas being governed by committee. The Officers Executive Board, comprising the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, CEO and Director of Strategic Partnerships meets on a regular basis to ensure the effective management of the society.
The overall governing body is the General Council (the voting members), comprising Ordinary, Honorary, National Partner and Specialist Partner Society Members. See further details regarding membership here.
ESE is governed by a set of Byelaws, Memorandum & Articles of Association which are available below, together with the Annual reports and financial statements of the Society.
All membership is subject to approval by the Executive Committee.
As a member of the Alliance for Biomedical Research in Europe (Biomed Alliance), the European Society of Endocrinology adheres to the Biomed Alliance Code of Conduct (listed below).